422 miles each way from the Manchester/ Vernon CT town line to Baxter State Park. Round Trip travel and hiking was 22 hours. Left the health Club I played VB at 11:00 PM and returned to that club the following evening at 9:00.
After a full day of work & then driving, this was dumb. Does driving straight though include trying to sleep at a ME rest stop after finishing two liters of Mt. Dew? That was the drive up. Couldn't sleep & vibrate at the same time.
On the hike & the way back some Jolt & chocolate did not keep me from dozing for a moment while driving. Luckily, I realized it and got out of the truck for a few minutes and stretched. Having my gear in the back & it beginning to rain had me also thinking about the gear getting wet. That night I did get 12 1/2 hours of sleep.
The look on the rangers face when she asked where I started from that morning was priceless. I answered Manchester & she said, NH? When I said no, CT, she had the look of someone planning my rescue later in the day.

(maybe the dumbest thing I've done in a car by myself while driving sober but I was of driving age in the 70's, it was different)
I'll still drive up from time to time for a day hike from New London County to the Whites or the ADK's but most of the time I'll go up the night before & stay at a hostel or a home of a friend.
The worst part of the day trips is the four hour ride back. Fueled by coffee and sugar, I'd make it back home, beat, tired and wired. (But it was fun!)