Looking for a backpack this weekend -- trail conditions in ADKS?


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Active member
Sep 4, 2003
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Hudson Valley
Hi. We're looking for a backpack this weekend ... any info on trail conditions in some of the lower elevation spots of the ADKS? We don't mind the mud so much, but want to avoid any icy sections or deep snow (don't want to have to take along crampons/snowshoes/etc). A couple of places we were wondering about were West Canada Lakes, Siamese Ponds area, Lake George area, Pharoah Mtn. area, or even lower mtns or places in the high peaks area.

If anybody has any recent trail info, it would be greatly appreciated (I've also been perusing the trail condition section). Thanks!!
West central region is wide open. I was in to Queer lake for a nice easy birding, clearing trail afternoon and it's fine. I cold onlymove about 6 or 8 trees off the trail (didn't have my saw) but the remaining were super easy to just walk a few steps around. A few wet spots, the worst at the trail register. Lake is open. Bears are out and about and provided some company.
Thanks for that update BC. I am heading in to Pharoah Lake for the weekend and figured all the lower trails would be free of snow, as well as most of the lower hills in the area. My snow gear is away for the season, too. Maybe I'll see you cruising around the Pharoah Wilderness pudgy_g!?
Thanks for the info Chickadee! Good to hear ... especially since it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend. Hey doc, if we end up going there, we'll keep an eye out for a fellow VFTTer. :)