Looking to climb Eagle Slide (Giant) Sat or Sun


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New member
Sep 12, 2005
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Western PA
Hi all I am new to the forums. Last week I climbed Colden via the trap dike and found it to be relativily easy for my first 'trailess' climb. I have climbed about 1/3 of the NE 108, including Katahin (cathedrals, abol, helon-taylor) and Washington via the Huntington Ravine. I am really pumped at the prospect of climbing Eagle this weekend. I live in St. J VT. My usual hiking partner is not up for it as he doesnt like exposure. I was comfortable on the slide and thought that it was less steep than expected. If anyone that has wanted to do this for a while and is interested in joining me feel free to post to this thread.

I am planning on renting rock shoes at the Mountaineer in Keene Valley just to be safe. :D

I love Eagle slides and have done it four times each by a different route. I have never used rock shoes due mainly to the dampness of the rock. On one occasion it was dry enough but I didnt bring them then! So rent the shoes by all means and you'll know easily enough if its dry enough.

Oh and in my opinion the best route is straight up the middle finishing on the highest 'feather' that takes you close to the summit. The rock is cleaner and more stable there. The first 100 feet are hardest.

Unfortunately I have other plans for the next few weeks.
I'm sure you'll have great fun.
wet feathers

Sounds like they're calling for rain this weekend.

I dont know if you have seen any of my posts lately, but I am thinking Eagle Slide either of the last two weekends in september. I cant go this weekend... but maybe later this month if you're interested. I was going to revive the thread below next week when I knew better about the weather, but I can be flexible about the plans.


Though there are no guarantees with Eagle because I really dont want to do the slide in the rain or if it is terribly wet. Conditions should be fairly dry and I am not sure how the slide tends to be in late sept.

Justin and Dom,

I have been getting the itch to visit the Eagle again (I've done it three times already, but not since June of 2003). Should you be interested, I can head up there the weekend of October 15/16 to visit my old friend, The Eagle. If we have more than one car, I would lobby for a complete traverse from Giant to 9N. I've done that before as a day hike after an Eagle Climb and it is awesome!


(Justin: I was going to mention this to you if you were coming to the BBQ)
Watch the forecast and have an escape route planned in the event of rain. That slide is slick when wet, and it's a long ride.

Yes the forcast is rain (100% chance with over and inch forcasted) :eek:

so this isnt looking likely this weekend. One of the next two weekends will liklely be better. I want to go when there has been several days of dry weather before the climb.
Guinness said:
Justin and Dom,

I have been getting the itch to visit the Eagle again (I've done it three times already, but not since June of 2003). Should you be interested, I can head up there the weekend of October 15/16 to visit my old friend, The Eagle. If we have more than one car, I would lobby for a complete traverse from Giant to 9N. I've done that before as a day hike after an Eagle Climb and it is awesome!


(Justin: I was going to mention this to you if you were coming to the BBQ)

This is definately a possiblity for me. The only weekend I cant do it is the 8th of Oct, when I will be in PA. I have a reg. mon to fri job, so I am off any given weekend. If the weather permits I'd definately be up for this in mid October.
