Lost glasses Baldface Mt Indian Lake


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Dec 25, 2003
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Northampton, MA
Had a great paddling and hiking trip on and around Indian Lake over the Columbus Day week end. We camped for 4 days near the south end of the lake and paddled to our hearts content. We also did a short hike up Baldface Mt near the North end of the lake. Great views for such an easy hike. I left my glasses on top of Baldface on a rock at the summit. My friend offered me his binoculars for a look around and in classic ADD fashion I forgot to put my glasses back on. I didn't realize it until I was back at camp later that night. To exhausted to paddle the 14 mi round trip to retreive them that night, I decided to paddle accross the lake from a put in closer to the trail head the next day on our way home. Due to extreme weather conditions, rain and wind, it became an option that I did not feel comfortable with asking anyone to come with me so I had to return home without my glasses. If anyone is in that area in the near future I sure would appreciate a look around for them. I'd be happy to pay shipping to get them back and I'd owe you a favor.
After reading Neils trip report on climbing the slide on Snowey Mt. we had planned on retracing his steps, however the paddling was so great that we decided to put that hike off to the future. Perhaps we'll do our annual winter trip there. Does anybody know what the access is to the valley that runs to the west of Snowey. Is it private land or a major snowmobile route? It looks like a great area for a backcountry ski trip. If you find my glasses please email me at [email protected] Has anyone else noticed what an incredible array of bushwhacking trips Neil has done? In my book he is to bushwhacking what Pin Pin is to Peak bagging. Buddy
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