Lost GPS south of Mt. Mooselauke - securing electronic gear


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Mar 17, 2006
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One of the challenges of these modern technological times is keeping track of all those small electronic devices like GPS’s, digital cameras, and cell phones while hiking. Each has their value as well as limitations – some folks have come to rely on them too much as we’ve seen from accident reports. But used wisely they can really enhance a trip.

Having just lost my expensive GPS somewhere south of Mt. Mooselauke (December 29, pm, near South summit), I realize that some precautions should be taken with such devices to secure them as well as aid recovery of them. Winter hiking increases the chances of dropping and losing gear. You are wearing more layers, changing layers often, and may have reduced vision with more headgear. You are also less aware that you have dropped something in an environment featuring soft snow and the roar of the wind. My 10-year-old Sundog shoulder pocket has worked well for many years with its two pockets, a small one for a compass, and a large one for a small camera or a GPS. Unfortunately the Velcro on the large pocket has worn out. It appears that Sundog no longer makes this backpack shoulder strap accessory. This is too bad since I haven’t been able to find anything that approaches its excellent design. Compounding the loss of the GPS was the fact that I did not have any identification on it. Earlier models provided a way to enter your name and address in the system settings. I had not bothered to put any physical identification on the outside of this advanced GPS. Hikers are generally honest people. In this situation two other hikers coming down the trail said that the GPS had been found by hikers who were trying to find the owner. Unfortunately the finders descended the mountain on the Glencliff Trail while I was returning via the Carriage Rd. and Snapper trail.

So the moral of the story is to a) carefully secure electronic devices – check your gear at the beginning of each season for wear and tear b) put identification on your small expensive stuff.

(if anyone knows the whereabouts of this GPS, I can be contacted at [email protected])
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VFTT policy is to allow lost and found posts for property of "substantial value", and to then close the thread to avoid additional comment. The original post certainly qualifies.

Happy New Year,

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