Lower Wolf Jaw 8/5/09


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I approached LWJ from the White trail and did the loop, coming down the Wedge trail and then back along the East river trail. Trail conditions were great. No blowdown, mud was minimal, and the trails are well marked and easy to follow. It was a beautiful warm sunny day and at the start of the trail there were a few swarms of bugs, and a lone deer fly that followed but none were biting. The higher you go the less bugs, to the extent of none at the summit, and overall I would say were non-existant as a whole for the trip. Certainly nothing like the last hike a few weeks ago. Doing the loop is a nice way to cut down on the number of people you can encounter on a nice summer day, as out of the 12-20 or so parties that were out of the Ausable club that day I only crossed to parties on the decent from LWJ to the col.
As the norm, hiking boots and possibly poles, and a camera only suggested items needed.
