lower wolfe jaws, adk


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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
which is the best way to climb this peak? clockwise or counterclockwise?
should i go up or down the white trail? the rocks on the north side may be easier to climb than decend.
Adk_dib said:
which is the best way to climb this peak? clockwise or counterclockwise?
should i go up or down the white trail? the rocks on the north side may be easier to climb than decend.
I haven't hiked the White Trail, so I'll have to leave that to others. The guidebook says "longer but easier grades" on White than on Wedge Brook. But if by 'best' you mean easiest, I think the trail from the JBL side is the probably the easiest climbing, with 2000 ft. ascent, though you will have the longer walk from the Garden.
rhihn's advice is good. You have to decide if you want to try to minimize elevation gain or minimize distance.

None of the rocky sections on LWJ are difficult enough or sustained enough to factor into a decision about which direction to climb them. It's not like Saddleback. On LWJ there's just a little clambering here and there. At the one steep spot near the top coming up from the White trail, travelers have beaten a path out right (which is too bad, because the beaten up area is unsightly and unnecessary, as there are perfectly good footholds going straight up the original route).

It's a nice mountain! Have fun!
Without a doubt. The Bennies Brook Slide. It's easy to get to and very moderate hike. Nothing to steep. PM me if you want some info on the route.
It's been quite a few years since I hiked the White Trail, but it was a nice, lightly used treadway--I remember much of it as soft underfoot, with pine needles and minimal erosion--enjoy

If you decide to take a trail, I would recommend the Wedge Brook trail. It is in great shape and travels through some of the most beautiful, wide open forests-- a rarity in the high peaks region.

Otherwise, I would ascend the Bennies Brook slide because it provides lots of views.