LT Trailwork & West River Trail

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Jan 15, 2013
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Vernon, Conn.
Last weekend I did some trailwork with the Connecticut Section of the Green Mountain Club. On Sunday before heading home I hiked the northernmost section of the West River Trail.

Seven of us from Connecticut, and one Bennington Section member, spent Saturday (and Friday for some) doing the usual trailwork stuff, removing blowdowns, cleaning out water bars, and trimming lots and lots of hobblebush. We were based at Story Spring Shelter this time.

On Sunday I drove up to South Londonderry and hiked the northern half of the upper (northern) section of the West River Trail. A couple years ago after another trailwork weekend I had hiked the southern half of the upper section, from Jamaica State Park to what I thought was Angel Falls.

West River Trail mostly follows an old railroad bed along the West River, so it's mostly flat and wide. The first part of my hike was like this, but after a while I noticed a footpath inbetween the railroad bed and the river and I dropped down and hiked on that a while.

After a couple miles I got to Winhall Campground. This exists on either side of the Winhall River where it flows into the West. There's a bridge about a half mile upriver, but when I got to it I saw that it was closed for repairs. So I forded the river. Luckily I had my crocs and a small towel with me. The river came up to my knees. It was very cold.

Downstream of there I continued along the railroad bed, until it became a regular trail for awhile.

When I had done the southern half of the upper section I had thought that Angel Falls were a disappointment. However, it turns out that where I was was not Angel Falls. When I got to the real Angel Falls I immediately realized my mistake; the real falls are much more impressive. Since I wanted to complete the upper section I continued down to where I had turned around the other time. It turned out to be only about a tenth of a mile further.

Then I turned around and hiked back. When I got to the Winhall Campground I forded the Winhall right there. It as not quite as deep and not quite as cold as the earlier ford.

So it was a nice hike. Honestly, though, if you're looking for a nice hike in the area, I'd recommend doing the hike I did two years ago, from Jamaica State Park over Ball Mtn. Dam, with a side trip to Hamilton Falls.

Here are the pictures for the trailwork.
Here are the pictures for the West River Trail hike.



NE111 in my 50s: 115/115 (67/67, 46/46, 2/2)
NE111 in my 60s: 33/115 (25/67, 8/46, 0/2)
NEFF: 50/50; Cat35: 39/39; WNH4K: 39/48; NEHH 81/100
LT NB 2009

"I don't much care where [I get to] --" said Alice, "-- so long as I get somewhere," ...
"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."
- Lewis Carroll