Active member
Middle and South Carter via 19 Mile Brook, Carter Dome, Carter Moriah, North Carter and Imp trails
Date of Hike: Jan 23, 2010
Trail Conditions:
19 Mile Brook - Packed sidewalk
Carter Dome - Well packed but a bit looose on any edges
Carter Moriah - Packed but some loose powder and drifting. Quite a few areas, particularly north of South Carter where you had to duck under, or literally crawl under bent over trees.
North Carter and Imp - Well packed by a group of 4 in snowshoes I met when they were almost at the top.
Special Equipment Required: Light traction would have been fine for the whole hike (hiker I followed in microspikes left few if any postholes). I wore snowshoes the whole route. Waterproof mittens and pants helped with the crawling...
Comments: Exceptional day to be in the Whites. Clear, minimal wind and perfect temps.
Link to pictures from this hike
Date of Hike: Jan 23, 2010
Trail Conditions:
19 Mile Brook - Packed sidewalk
Carter Dome - Well packed but a bit looose on any edges
Carter Moriah - Packed but some loose powder and drifting. Quite a few areas, particularly north of South Carter where you had to duck under, or literally crawl under bent over trees.
North Carter and Imp - Well packed by a group of 4 in snowshoes I met when they were almost at the top.
Special Equipment Required: Light traction would have been fine for the whole hike (hiker I followed in microspikes left few if any postholes). I wore snowshoes the whole route. Waterproof mittens and pants helped with the crawling...
Comments: Exceptional day to be in the Whites. Clear, minimal wind and perfect temps.
Link to pictures from this hike