Macomb, E. Dix, S. Dix 5/12/10

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We started out of Elk Lake early morning on what was forcasted to be a rainy day but turned out to be beautiful. Trail back to Slide Brook had standing water in a number of places but nothing bad. Trail up to the base of Macomb slide had a few trees down but nothing too serious and was easily circumvented. The slide climb was interesting and fun, my first slide climb! Very interesting rock scree and more tedious on the decent than climb up. Long but not hard, imo. From the top of the slide up and in a few shaded spots on the eastern decent of Macomb there was a couple patch of thin ice and very small snow patches but no traction was necissary for any of the hike. Spring is in full force, just mud and water to worry about now. Had a few more blowdown on the ridge from Macomb to S Dix to E Dix, but again only a few and easy to get around or over. Trails were very narrow but easy to follow, just pay attention as there are a couple of side herd paths but fairly easy to stay on track if your paying attention.
Needed: waterproof boots (with good protection and support for the scree slide), poles were helpful on the slide and a couple steep spots, good supply of water.
