Madison - Sun 3/15

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Bob Kittredge

Active member
Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Terrified on Webster
I'm hoping to do Madison this Sunday via Valley Way and the Osgood starting around 7:30AM. Moderate to brisk pace.

Lemme know if you're interested in joining me.
Vegematic, Hubby and I are going on Sunday...up Valley Way to Madison...Star Lake...Maybe Adams and then down...via...who knows (we will be parked at Appalacia though).

We are meeting at Appalacia at 6:45 to be on the trail by 7:00 am...we are not that fast hikers, though (at least hubby and I aren't). We do a little less than 1.0 mph in winter but are hoping to pick it up a bit.
I might see you on the ridge. I'm hoping to do Jefferson, Adams, and Madison in that order. I will park at Lowes store and head up Lowe's Path fill up water between Gray and Crag and then head over to Jefferson. On the return hit Adams and Madison.