Madison - Wednesday, August 10th

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On Wednesday, August 10th I will be hiking Mount Madison to meet up with Sherpa John on the summit. This is where he will be finishing his Epic "Fitch 46" Expedition.

If anyone wants to join me just to Hike UP Madison and/or to celebrate with us once SJ crosses the finish line, Please let me know. I don't really want to hike Madison alone!

The plan is to Leave Appalachia at Noon and head up to Madison Hut, from here I will either be waiting for SJ to arrive at the hut or waiting for him at the summit. No clue what his ETA will be.. tons of variables kick in.. but I would plan on something anywhere between 6 and 8 PM.

Then.. we'll be hiking down with headlamps on.

I am posting this now because we are leaving for Crawford Notch Friday and will not have internet access again until after the 14th of August! SO.. if you want to go and are 100% positive you can make it...


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You have no idea how much I would love to join you for this. Madison is a very special mountain for many very special reasons. Alas, vacation plans will put me too far away from the area to join you for what I hope will be a very successful endeavor for all. Believe me, I will be there in spirit and I look forward to an interesting trip report when I return.

I will steal a phrase from Cave Dog which says it all:

Live the Dream!

I'm sorry I can't make it - the whole job thing gets far too much in the way of hiking!

Good luck to John and safe hiking to both of you!
Same thing Sarah... I'd love to join you, but these people in NY keep wanting me to come in each day... I guess so long as i keep getting that pay check, I'll keep going in. Have fun, you can borrow my Moosehat! :cool:
this may be a possibility for me, i'll try to let you know before thursday. :)
Hey thanks to everyone who has responded thus far. Kim I'm glad you'll be joining me for the hike. I hope I don't get fed up with appalachia by this time seeing as I will be ascending Adams via Airline (eather permitting) only a few days prior with my brothr in law-Len Dawg!
Yam it would be great to be able to hike with you seeing as last time we tried, I ended up being carried down. Ouch. For the same injury, we will most likely be taking our time to stop and smell the roses up this hike. hehe. I look forward to hiking with any and all of those who would like to come along and enjoy a mid-week hike up one of the most beautiful mountains in the Whites. (But I'm biased in my oppinion :) :rolleyes: