Maine- Old Speck, Wed, 3/29

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Old Speck is one of my faves. I did a nice loop last summer through Mahousick Notch to the Old Speck Leantoo, then back a side trail to the road and some road work in the dark. Speck is a glute blaster, I was cursing the slab.

Enjoy your hikes. :D
I did this one a few years back, the views are awesome. But, as I recall, the ladder to the tower is one of my most frigthening experiences yet out in the mountains. It took me a good 1/2 hour to get the nerve to climb it and haul myself onto the deck. And I am NOT scared of heights! :rolleyes:
Have fun! Christine
Oh Yeah, I forgot, I love that you can see the summit from the parking lot, which is always a mental challenge for me. You know, I am going to go all the way to THERE?!! The ranger we ran into was very nice and um, accomidating to our group... :eek:
lx93 said:
Did you go past the Eyebrow? ?

Nope. The route I took started on the logging road at the Mahousick Notch Trail, up and through the Notch, then up and over Mahoosick Arm to Speck Pond and the Shelter, then back to the Speck Pond Trail to the logging road and a couple miles of roadwork. So I didn't summit, my trail dropped off at 3500. I was there for the Notch.

I agree with Chin' on the view from Grafton Notch (where you are starting) VERY impressive. I have pics of a bull moose in a field just past the trailhead parking area.

If you've got the time while you are up in Grafton Notch, do Baldpate, too. There are some amazing alpine meadows and peat bogs up there, and the cul between East Peak and Little Baldpate is a super nice fir forest.

Beautiful country up there, you are going to have a great time. Post pics when you get back.

One Step,

I didn't have web access from last Monday until now. But...

I may be interested in doing Old Speck sometime in the VERY near future. I am going to be relocating overseas, tentatively in-country April 14th. Would you be open to doing a weekday hike between now & then? Also, how about Spaulding/Sugarloaf/Abraham (12 miles)?