March 4 or 5 trip

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Jun 14, 2005
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Nobleboro, Maine Avatar: Even my shadow hikes!
I am looking to add to my winter list this weekend, and am planning the following:

Saturday: Carter Dome, Wildcat, and Wildcat D. Up 19 MIle Brook trail to Carter Dome, across the dome, then to Wildcat, then D peak.

Sunday: Mt Tom, Field, and Willey's. Up A-Z trail, down Willey range trail to Mt Willey, and back until the Avalon trail, down to the Crawford Hostel.

The questions I have are these...

1) Any problems making these routes in a day, depending on the weather?

2) Any problems with the trails I should know about? Snowshoes? I'll be bringing the crampons anyway. Dangerous water crossings?

3) Anyone else want to go? My schedule is flexible if anything needs to be changed.

4) Since I am coming from 3+ hours away and rather than drive back, are there any cheap places to stay in the area overnight? I could camp, hit a Hut, or the Harvard Cabin, but I was wondering about other inexpensive options. Hotels are a little pricey as I'm trying to refinance my house.
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Though I do not know you or your capabilities, both hikes are doable in a day trip. There is one stream crossing on the A-Z trail that could be a problem but I would guess it is well frozen over by now. 19 Mile Brook Trail has bridges over all the crossings but there is a lot of seepage on that trial so expect considerable water ice under the snow. Check the trail conditions section of this site for any recent trips. From the conditions I have seen lately, you would not need snowshoes but have them with you anyway just in case you need them. You may need them between Wildcat A and D or on the section between Zeta Pass and Carter Dome. Again, daily conditions are quite variable. Personally, I prefer doing WFT in the opposite direction but that’s a personal opinion.

Have fun.

I think you'll want snowshoes for Carter Dome... though the trail was fairly well packed late Saturday, there was a ton of snow near the summit. You may find yourself postholing in huge drifts without them. You'll definitely want the crampons for the descent down Carter Dome as well... lots of ice there.

- Ivy
Crampons are a definate for Nineteen Mile Brook! Snowshoes were not necessary for the Wildcats on 2/20. They will also prove helpful on some sections of the Tom, Field and Willey loop.

As far as where to stay, you best bets for a cheap night's sleep would be Hiker's Paradise in Gorham ($18) or AMCs Shapleigh Bunkhouse in Crawford Notch ($25).
I did the Saturday trip in October, i believe. It wasn't too bad, but there was also no snow then, just ice. It was easily do-able as a day hike, might be harder now though. I posted a trip report back then, if you have any interest.
For me, adding the two Wildcats after breaking through drifts and stuff on Carter-Moriah ridge like we did on Saturday would've been very hard. As Ivy and others have said, there is very deep snow up there right now.
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Start time for Willey Range hike 3/5/06?

I've wanted to try the Willey Range in winter and route you describe is the way I'd like to do it. What time do think you might be at the trail head on Sunday? I might try it as a day trip or stay at Lyons Sat. nite. I'd be looking for carpoolers from Boston area. I have full winter gear and have done some good winter hikes this winter. Current weather forecast puts this well in my advanced beginner window.
Since no one had responded and I'm staying for the weekend with Bobandgeri, I decided to keep my hiking plans open and possibly change the schedule. On Sat I'll be doing Jefferson with them, but am thinking of doing another hike with them as well.
Willey Descent


If you modify your route slightly and decide to go out to Rt. 302 from Willey, know that the Southern descent from Willey is STEEP- as in, there are ladders and places that you will wish had ladders. I'd rate it on the level of the descent from South Twin to Galehead Hut.

Kedron Flume (about 1? mile from 302) makes for a nice pic, though- you can compose the photo so that it looks like you're about to fall off a huge waterfall without really being in any danger.