Marcy-PG-Haystack Nov 4-5

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ALGonquin Bob

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
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Got just 2 days off, and think I'll finally do this hike. I plan to start from the HPIC Sunday morning (not too early, as I'm driving up that day). Hike up and over Marcy, then camp in Panther Gorge. Monday, I'll do the steep climb up Haystack and hike out (and drive home). Moderately slow hiking companions are welcome! :D
Yeah, everybody passes me - but I get there. I went up Marcy- it was quite icy above 4000 feet; should have carried crampons. On my way down to 4 Corners I slipped and hit my head on the ice. I donut tink deres ani dain bramage, doh.....

The ice conditions, combined with the hard hit on my not as hard noggin, influenced me to alter my solo hike plans. I decided to bail, and went down to Uphill Brook LT that night. I hiked out via Lake Colden and Avalanche Pass on Monday. There's always next time.