Marcy, Skylight, Gray 8/25/10

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We started out of the Loj went up past Lake Arnold, over to Feldspar and up, to Gray, Skylight, then over Marcy and back down the Van Hovenburg trail. When the morning started the weather forecast was 30% of rain showers in the afternoon. What in reality happened was pretty much drizzle and or rain from 10:30am on. All three mountains were socked in with no views, and even though we ended up soaked we still had a great time. The trails were quite wet from the rain of course, and previous days rain, but the mud really wasn't too bad on any of the trails. Trail maintenance on almost all of the many bridge planks was up to par and made the wet terrain quite easy to pass. The stash of rock to bring to the top of Skylight was depleted, but it would have been pointless today anyway as it was already raining. The rock dome of Marcy was wet and a little slick, but that was the only tricky spot during this hike. I'll just have to come back and do them again on a clear day to enjoy the views!

Required gear: rainjackets/pants, dry change of clothes, waterproof boots.
