Marshall 11 Jan 2011

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Oct 21, 2007
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Marshall is broken all the way. It's snowing today so by tomorrow our tracks will probaby covered, but the path should still be visible. Recent blowdown has been hacked through pretty well, and staying on route was not a problem. There are still lots of crawlers too high to step over and too low to duck under. Flowed Lands was iced over so we short-cut to the lean-to. The ice made ominous noises just before we got there. Gary had once canoed it and told me it's only knee deep, which I found immensely assuring. It was sunny and windless all day, even at the top. GK showed me a view ledge a few steps to the left slightly before the summit which I didn't know about. On previous climbs I'd always just gone to the lookout past the summit marker. The Calamity Brook trail needs more snow to be skiable. It's enough for snowshoes, but on skis you'd be hitting rocks constantly. Total trail time was about 9 hours; in at 7:15, out by 4:30. Nundie is in single digits for the W now!