Marshall 3-14-09

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We hiked up Marshall from the Upper Works leaving the parking lot at about 7:45. It was a perfect rare blue sky day in the High Peaks with 14 degrees at the start. We barebooted it to the Flowed Lands as the trail was very hard packed. We didn't post hole even once over the 4.5 miles but later learned we were in violation of one of the many regulations in the High Peaks.

When we reached the mountain itself, we put on our crampons and wore them until the false summit where we switched to snowshoes as the snow was softening and descending hikers told of us spruce traps and post holing. The views were beautiful and you could see for miles. The views of Iroquios and Colden and Marcy were the best. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and little wind. We descended wearing snowshoes and took a small spur trail that led to a great view of Lake Placid and Whiteface. On the return, we walked across the flowed lands enjoying the beautiful open views.

We had planned on barebooting on the way out again but ran into a couple of hikers that told us we were required to wear our snowshoes and that rangers enforced this rule. So we walked out with snowshoes on, even though we felt it was entirely unnecessary due to the conditions.