Marshall on Sunday Feb. 12th

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Jan 13, 2005
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Longueuil (Québec)
Helped needed to get Marshall. I do not think I would be able to find summit by myself for this one. Anyone familiar with herd path in winter and able to join me on the 12th please post. Otherwise maybe a group of Sunday hikers could succeed with beginner's luck as they say.
Would leave the Upper Works parking lot for the Calamity Brook trail at 07h00.
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Hi Oncoman my friend. :)

We need Marshall between Febuary 12 and 18. :cool:

2 things will make influence for when we will go or return :rolleyes: in this area.

We need also Seymour in the same time and if We know the gate will stay open, We will go in first to Seymour to save a couple of hours. :D

The second thing it will be the forecast. Since early in January a couple of time the Brook crossing was little bit touching...Marshall with hight water levell it is a challenge...

We will see.

Please stay in contact.

Pinpin junior. :)
Hi Pinpin!
Your aversion for rest stops on the trail and for getting your feet wet are notoriously known.
Prolene socks/boots of the type used for kayacking or canoeing can do wonders, but I just can't picture you taking the time to change socks. I'm convinced you would prefer to just take a giant leap and bounce off the rocks over to the other side of the brook.
Take care. Hoping to see you soon on the trails.
♫ Les copains d'abord ♫ les copains d'abord...♪♪
Well guess this will be another solo hike for me. Sniff...Sniff...But the beauty of the Marshall trail will surely cheer me up.
Yesterday I spoke with a guy who had just finished doing Marshall from Upper Works. He said he had a beautiful trail all the way from Flowed Lands.
Alistair and I did it last year and we went right up Herbert Brook itself from where it enters FL and picked up the trail.
Oncoman said:
Well guess this will be another solo hike for me. Sniff...Sniff...But the beauty of the Marshall trail will surely cheer me up.

Pierre - I did this last weekend w/ my wife. The trail should be real obvious. We were able to use the brook most of the time. Pinpin had been up earlier that week & his trail was fairly obvious. I can fill you in tomorrow on all the details.

Thanks Neil & Shin for reassuring me on the trail conditions to Marshall. I have previously done that peak solo in oct. 2004 via Herbert Brook and really enjoyed the calm leisurely atmosphere with intermittent stream hoppings to pull me out of my meditations.
Hillman, would be nice to meet you... at last. We were supposed to do Wright/Algonguin/Iroquois in Jan. 2005 but you pulled out at the last minute due to the Caraïbean -40° in the parking lot. Wise fellow! The winds were fierce on top of Algon. at least -60° with the wind factor. You should have been there to see my 15 sec. 100-yard dash in crampons down Algon. towards the col for Iroquois. I have many more anecdotal stories to share, over 100 peaks done in 2005. So hoping to see you soon on the trails and share some of those stories with you.
BTW am leaving for the dacks in one hour, so that I will not see your post tomorrow. Plan to leave Upper Works parking lot at 06h30-07h00 on Sunday.