Marshall this weekend? (2/17)

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Feb 26, 2004
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Westwood, MA Avatar: Whiteface Mtn 11/05
Marshall this weekend? Or maybe Cliff Winter Route (2/17)

Just wondering if anybody else might also be out breaking trail to Marshall or Cliff (Winter Route) this weekend? Please? We are thinking of Saturday or Sunday ourselves, from the Flowed Lands.

Nice storm, eh?

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Is there enough snow for Cliff?

Neil turned me onto some old posts on the Cliff Winter Route. Awfully tempting. Who else might be venturing that way this weekend, and do you, in your wisdom, think we have enough snow to cover that pesky blowdown??

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No amount of snow will totally cover the blowdown but yesterday snowfall and last night high winds should have packed nicely the lower section along the tall cliffs after Flowed Lands. A small group made it to Cliff last weekend via that route but recommended to wait for more snow. Once in the drainage and at the cliffs altitude carefully keep your direction (Sout-East) as the bumps to the North (left) offers great views and apparently easier terrain but soon become are a real pain, blowdown and deep gulley make it tough to redirect towards the tiny pond before the summit. If lucky you may even be able to go directly to the col next to the top of Cliff.

Just make sure you will not be the first ones to break trail to Flowed Lands!
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I'd wait until the snow gets a crust after some freeze-thaw so it will be more supportive. When that happens, try going up the Opalescent trail a few minutes. When we did it one February, the snow was deep and supportive and we walked on top of everything right to the summit.
After the big snowfall, you'll have a lot of snow hiding the ground-level and slightly higher blowdown, but you'll break trail right thru the new snow into whats waiting below.
Let it harden up.