Mass AT (Section 2+3) SoBo 5/14

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Active member
Mar 6, 2005
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Phillipston, MA - Avatar: bushwacking off the top
Planning to get in some long miles on Sunday, if the weather cooperates!

We'll start early in the AM at the AT TH on the north side of Greylock. End will be at the High St lot in Dalton. Total - 23 miles. Mid-point carspot will be in Cheshire. It'll be a long day, so we might not end by nightfall.

Along for the long haul will be me, Jade (and her dog Carmen), Lattinhill (and his dog Maya), SilentCal (only to Cheshire), Una_Dogger (probably only to Cheshire too), and hopefully Truffle. Anyone want to join us?

PM me and/or post here if you're interested.
Truffles?? Isn't that a girlie name? Sounds like someone with a short waist! :D, and whoever, are welcome to spend the night at the Hawley Hotel...sorry, no food or room service...ask the boys....:p

Last weekend we did 20 miles in 9 hours.....if we hit the trail at 8:00 we should finish no later than 6:30--7pm....

We'll firm up meeting time and places via email.....Newcomers welcome!!

I can give anyone a ride back to the beginning of the section if anyone needs it. Plus I'll have water in my trunk for everyone. I don't mind starting early for this one if that's what the group wants.
Since we here in Western Mass are expecting rain, possibly quite heavy, on Friday and Saturday and some rain on Sunday, we may opt for a shorter stint on the AT around Greylock...23 miles in rain and mud would be quite the slog...

How about we make a definite decision on Saturday morning?

I guess we can't complain about the weather. Our last four hikes have been stellar. Is Bascom Lodge or whatever they are calling it nowadays open yet? Just drop me a line on whatever is figured out. I'm pulling a very long day at work on Saturday and won't be around until late.
Can't make it next week, I got some business to take care of in New Hampshire. But let me when we re-schedule this one.
Note that it is not just the rain, but check the report on the wind. The almoat two mile stretch from Mt. Williams over to Greylock offers little protection from winds out of the NE. When you do hike in only a few 100 yards from the Pattison Rd. crossing, take note of the greenery on the leaves of the hard woods. They were almost a glowing green in the gery light. A note on the Bascom Lodge (5/12) read, "..closed until mid May" No specific day, but somewhere I read May19th was opening day.
You guys look like you missed out though. Down here in Jersey, it's been very nice, I got out for a short hike today, although it's mother's day weekend so I'm off visiting the parents this weekend otherwise...
