Mass AT (Section 2+3) SoBo 5/27

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Mar 6, 2005
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Phillipston, MA - Avatar: bushwacking off the top
Planning to get in some long miles this weekend, if the weather cooperates! We'll be hiking on Saturday, or Sunday if the weather will be significantly better.

We'll start early in the AM at the AT TH on the north side of Greylock. End will be at the High St lot in Dalton. Total - 23 miles. Mid-point carspot will be in Cheshire. It'll be a long day, so we might not end by nightfall.

Along for the long haul will be me, Dugan (welcome back to the trail!), Jade, Lattinhill, and hopefully Truffles and some others. Anyone want to join us?

PM me and/or post here if you're interested.
Anyone else up for training for the upcoming Presi traverse? These sections are not especially steep, just long...For miles and elevation we are planning to do the Wapack Trail next weekend......

Frytz....where are you?

I should have said...."the next weekend we head out as a group"'re right, I'll be hiking in the Finger Lakes Region June 3/4.....will I ever regain my memory?? :confused: :rolleyes:
Just curious as to which day this is. The subject title says Saturday, while in the text it says maybe Sunday. I can only do the latter.
Either day will work for me, but Sunday is better. My only request is my usual spot right behind Jade as she clears a hole through the black flies.
Well, for various reasons that I don't want to get into here, I was hoping to do it on Saturday. But I could be convinced to make it Sunday instead. And the forcast seems like Sunday will be the better day... Does anyone else have a preference for either day?

I'm thinking of 8am for the planned hit-the-trail time, with carspotting in Dalton aimed for 7:30. If we have enough people, a carspot (and extra water storage) at the mid-point in Cheshire will be arranged.

Cantdog, we would love to have you join us - what other details are you looking for? Do you have a day preference?
There is dependable public transportation between No. Adams, Cheshire and Dalton. (not on Sunday, however) 800-292-2782
Sunday is the only day I can do it. But by all means, do it Saturday if that's what works with more people.
SUNDAY it is--yay!!
It'll be HOT and buggie....please don't anyone offer Dave any bug dope... :p

Please include Cantdog on further email correspondence.....

Well, I'd really like to get out on the trail with Dugan, since it's been so long since she was able to. Hopefully she'll know soon if her dog-walking pal can help out on Saturday. If he can, I really want to do the hike Saturday so she can join us. If he can't well, the point is moot and we'll make it Sunday. I'll post as soon as I can
OK, it turns out that Dugan was able to get someone to dog-sit, but they were only available for Saturday. So I hope you folks don't mind too much that I want to go back to the original plan for Saturday 5/27. Looks like a chance of rain in the morning, so maybe we should all plan to leave dry clothes in the mid-point carspot?
Yup, definitely I'm nuts.

There will definitely be nuts in the thick, rich, dense, chewy, gooey, chocolatey brownies that I'll be baking tomorrow night.... Oh yeah, I'll have to make sure to pack a few too!

Dry clothes & water at mid point? Seems like a lot of effort... couldn't we just squeeze the water out of our clothes instead?! :D

(Reserving the right to be obsessively worried about Dugan four-legs throughout the day, will attempt to shut up if told to do so.)