Master thief of the High Peaks

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After reading the earlier thread on burgled Bear Vaults, I did a little reporting and wrote the following story about an ingenious bear that has figured out how to unscrew food canisters. It should appeal to anyone interested in the Adirondacks or wildlife.

This bear is quite well known. My father went on a mountain climbing trip in Colorado at the end of May, and people out there (including outfitters and rangers) had heard of this bear!! What a special treat to have this particular bear be in our beloved park!
This bear is quite well known. My father went on a mountain climbing trip in Colorado at the end of May, and people out there (including outfitters and rangers) had heard of this bear!! What a special treat to have this particular bear be in our beloved park!

Ya , and those pickpockets that hangout at the uphill lean-to....they all should be in prison....LOL!!!! :p