May 24 - Santanoni Range

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STEVE, JOSH & I hiked all 3 mountains of the Santanoni range on Sunday. The day started out overcast and stayed that way until we were off the blue trail and about halfway to Times Square. Then it rained, and then rained harder! We made Coochie at 11:45 (rain had just ended), made it back to Times Square at 1:30. Did panther, taking about a total of 30 minutes. Then did Santanoni as the sun came out and hiked out.

Trail conditions were actually much better than we expected as we've read nothing but begative comments about the knee-deep mud, mud sucking-off boots, etc. Yes, there was mud but it wasn't bottomless with some care. Yes, the spruce tugs at you, I suggest long pants as mandatory. Only a few small patches of snow remained and they were of no consequence. Anyhow, all hikes have their less favorite parts and this hike wasn't anywhere near as bad as we expected; whatever that was....

No special gear needed. Definitely a long day, but we bagged all 3! Thanks to those whom we met 1) in the tent along the blue trail; 2) the Rochester fellow who had done Allen the day before . Their advice and pointers were greatly appreciated!
