McNaughton (MacNaughton)

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October 28, 2009

Trail Conditions: Adirondack easy from Heart Lake to Scotts Clearing. Trail to Wallface Ponds was a mixture of streams, mud pits and bogs. Trail well marked to the ponds. After crossing the beaver dam there is essentially no trail. At the South West corner of the last pond we took a South West heading for the summit of MacNaughton. Not too bad going until maybe the last hundred yards before the summit. Summit sign reads "McNaughton". Blow downs, thick moss, sticks in the face, boulders - you name it. I think it's probably a good thing to hit the summit a bit south as a few feet north of the summit sign there is a 15 foot shear drop off.

Special Equipment Required: Trekking poles, water proof boots, gators, rain gear, GPS, compass, eye protection, first aid kit.

Comments: This is not one of the 46 peaks but well worth the trip. I imagine this peak is what the original forty-sixers had to contend with in acquiring their peaks. Definitely a challenging peak.

Happy trails!
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