Lower logging roads seriously muddy, no problem higher up. 3 (or maybe more) blowdowns on the upper portion of the road. We walked around them.
Special equipment needed: sunscreen, bug spray.
Last time we were on Wheelerville Road a bridge was out. It's been fixed and the road is in great shape. Took the gated log road to the right of the Bucklin trailhead parking and went left at the first fork after the cabin - instead of going right. By doing so we avoided the first two water crossings and very muddy conditions (which we endured later when we decided to do the lower road on our return).
Went into woods just beyond the third cairn. Bushwhack was easy. So many herd paths.
Special equipment needed: sunscreen, bug spray.
Last time we were on Wheelerville Road a bridge was out. It's been fixed and the road is in great shape. Took the gated log road to the right of the Bucklin trailhead parking and went left at the first fork after the cabin - instead of going right. By doing so we avoided the first two water crossings and very muddy conditions (which we endured later when we decided to do the lower road on our return).
Went into woods just beyond the third cairn. Bushwhack was easy. So many herd paths.
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