Followed the woods road starting near the Bucknell Trail head over the first stream crossing (no other stram crossings) and then a bit further up before losing it. Took a bearing on Mendon Pk. with a GPS, then set the bearing on the good ol compass and whacked staight up the hill to the peak. Had to by-pass a thicker than usual blown down region, but other than that, the 2 inches of slushy snow on the ground above ~3000, and the steepness of the slope, the bushwack was much more navigationally simple, and physically easier, than I expected from all the threads I've read on it. It took my hiking companion Jim, and me, 2.5 hrs up and 2 hr down. going down we just followed our footprints in the snow, and the GPS breadcrumb trail when th snow ran out, back down.