Metacomet-Monadnock Sections 18, 17 06/26/2005

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And maybe 16, depending on weather and dog participation (15.3 or 23.2). Any takers?

Section 18 Mount Grace to Mass. Rte 32, via Whipple Hill and White Hill (8.5 miles)
From the mountain top, the trail descends to MA 78 along the "old Winchester Trail". After another mile eastward, the trail passes just above the attractive Highland Falls and enters a stretch of unbroken woodland and, after climbing up and down over an interesting series of step-like ridges, reaches a high point just south of the MA-NH state line. From here the trail proceeds roughly parallel to the state line to the end of this section. Mainly the track follows old roads through once settled farmland, across rolling, wooded hills, and a steep sided, narrow valley with Grand Monadnock beckoning in the distance.

Section 17 Gulf road, Northfield to Mount Grace Summit (6.8 miles)
Passing across the tops of the Northfield Bald Hills which are covered with hardwoods and some mixed forest, the trail descends to a wood road extension of Warwick's White Road, then continues east on a recent relocation away from and north of White Road to the southern end of Mount Grace, thence climbs on the "Old Snowshoe Trail" to the fire tower at the top of Mount Grace.

Section 16 Mass. Rte. 2, Farley, to Gulf Road, Northfield via the Heights overlooking the Millers River and Crag Mountain. (7.9 miles)
The trail climbs steeply from Farley, in the shadow of the high cliffs of Rattlesnake Mountain, then follows the hemlock ravine of Briggs Brook. From here it proceeds northeast on the ridge and ledges of Hermit Mountain, passing the blue blazed side trail to Hermit Castle high above the Millers River, then abruptly turns north through the Erving State Forest to the bare ledges of Crag Mountain in the Northfield countryside. This is one of the more interesting sections of the trail in Massachusetts.
M & M July 26th

I am unlikely for the 26th, as I may just be paddling out the Moose River into Jackman that morning. If I get back from Maine early, however, maybe I'll just show up.

Please keep me in mind for future sections, especially if they involve fords, ferrying, and/or temps below 85 F.

Oh, and it turns out there IS a patch.
After reading your latest trip report (6-18) I think the M-M trail will be a breeze! The long-range weather outlook calls for a warm dry sunny day on Sunday. If we do the shorter hike, Carmen will join us. If we include section 16, she will need to settle for a long walk on Saturday.
Hope everyone is drying out nicely and Dugan (2-legged) hope your knees are on the mend......
Believe it or not, because of the weather, I think the first M-M section was harder for me than the Hale loop. That heat and humidity was brutal.

It was only the one knee, and it was quickly set to rights with a light run and stretching Sunday. But I think my feet are still pruny!

I'll go for majority rules with length. The forecast I saw said highs in the low 80's for Sunday, which is too warm for my pooch to come along.
Let the voting begin...........

Me? If it's fairly level, I'd be into the 23 miler....
LOve to join you but have had plans for the weekend for a time now. There was some dicussion about doing the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway. If so I am really intested in joining up with the group.

Is it unfair to have Dugan handle all the logistics JUST BECAUSE SHE DOES SUCH A GOOD JOB AT IT!??? So, I'll bring her some candy or something!!!

What time......Where?
Sorry for not being on the ball as usual. Just sent an email to the people that've expressed an interest. If anyone else would like to come along, please drop me a pm for directions, meet time, etc.

No need for candy. Since this is looking like a non-dog hike I took the liberty of baking something chocolate.

Weather looking hot and humid with chance of showers. I'm not sure I remember how to hike without rain anymore anyway!
Too late, the candy has been purchased but I will leave some room for your chocolate treats!
I just bought a new rain jacket.....Dugan has a new water filter....any other gearhead purchases....we can have a show and tell........

See you Sunday.......Jade
I should mention too, while EMS guy and I discussed water filters, the M-M section hikes came up. He said the "new" guidebook has been pending for about four years that he's aware of. I'll definitely be holding on to my checkbook until I hear of someone actually receiving one.
I just received my Berkshire Chapter says the guidebook is now available......I would call first just in case....visit the site for phone number......
Well I think you should by all means join us on our next outing! Look forward to meeting you......
As Jade says, all are welcome.

We've done a little more planning to divide section 7 through 15 into day hikes: 13-15 (18 miles with the Leverett Coop for lunch), 10-12 (17.2 miles) and 7-8 (12.5 miles). The third is the shortest, but probably hardest.

Due to various other commitments from the group we've not yet set a date for the next outing. Stay tuned...