Mistake on 3K list


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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
My gut is telling me no... but my gut is also very
This may be common knowledge, and maybe it’s not even that big a deal, but I discovered just this morning that the coördinates for two mountains on the Northeast Three-Thousand Footers list somehow got swapped. ‘‘Moose Mountain (Northeast Peak)’’ and ‘‘Sentinel Range (Northwest Peak),’’ both in the Adirondacks, are the two.

Everything else about them (township, quadrangle, etcetera) seems to be correct. The error probably occurred because the mountains have the same elevation and were right next to each other in the list (229 and 230 in the New York section).

I acquired my list from the late, great Bill Bowden. I don’t know if everyone else’s list has the same parentage or not.

Any other mistakes on the list anyone is aware of, or cares to comment on? Or is that asking for too much information?
Raymond said:
This may be common knowledge, and maybe it’s not even that big a deal, but I discovered just this morning that the coördinates for two mountains on the Northeast Three-Thousand Footers list somehow got swapped. ‘‘Moose Mountain (Northeast Peak)’’ and ‘‘Sentinel Range (Northwest Peak),’’ both in the Adirondacks, are the two.
We must have different lists, mine does not even have coordinates, and by 229, I am out of the ADKs and in to the Catskills.
Tom, the list I have has all the New England three-thousand footers listed, by elevation, from high to low, then a list of ‘‘formerly listed peaks,’’ and lists of ‘‘added’’ peaks and ‘‘deleted’’ peaks (since the last time the list was compiled, I suppose); then the New York three-thousand footers, arranged the same way, so the Catskill peaks are lumped in with the Adirondack peaks, falling wherever they happen to according to their elevation.

The document concludes with New York’s one ‘‘formerly listed peak’’ in its own list, the five ‘‘added’’ peaks, and again the one ‘‘deleted’’ peak. Then a final addendum of the Pennsylvania peaks.

Anyway, what this is all leading to (as if anyone actually cares, judging by the response to the original post of this thread), is that I discovered another mistake among the Adirondack peaks’ coördinates: ‘‘BLUE RIDGE (W PK)’’ (the one located in the township of Lake Pleasant, on the Raquette Lake quadrangle, not the one in North Hudson), was given the coördinates for — the same coördinates as — ‘‘[UNNAMED PK: SCOTCH LAKE].’’

In my first missive in this thread, two mountains had their coördinates swapped. This time, two mountains were given the same coördinates.

The minutes of latitude as described are too low by 20 for Lake Pleasant’s Blue Ridge, West Peak. Everything else looks pretty much right. I’d say it’s the same longitude as the unnamed peak near Scotch Lake, it’s just a third of a degree — twenty minutes — father north, about 23 miles.


Now, any good maps for the computer that show the Catskills? They’re not on the Garmin National Parks East CD.
Mark Schaefer said:
Topozone links for the 98 Catskill 3000' foot peaks can be found here, the first 98 peaks on the list of highest 102 peaks.
Mark modestly fails to mention that this list was copied from his own epic post on ADKHPs a while ago:


Without a doubt, the most useful post I've ever read. It's the only post I have bookmarked!
Tom Rankin said:
Mark modestly fails to mention that this list was copied from his own epic post on ADKHPs a while ago:


Without a doubt, the most useful post I've ever read. It's the only post I have bookmarked!
One note on the adkhighpeaks link. You must register as a member of that website (and be signed in) to see the post. If you are not a member you will see a login page. To register follow the link on the bottom of the login page. Registration is open to all requesters.

Once you are signed up you will also find many trip reports from an active group of Catskill hikers in "The Catskill 100 Highest" and "Catskill Trip Reports" forums on that website.

The earlier link I posted (which is hosted on the Adirondack 100 Highest website) is viewable by all on the internet without any website registration.
Mark Schaefer said:
One note on the adkhighpeaks link. You must register as a member of that website (and be signed in) to see the post. If you are not a member you will see a login page. To register follow the link on the bottom of the login page. Registration is open to all requesters.

Once you are signed up you will also find many trip reports from an active group of Catskill hikers in "The Catskill 100 Highest" and "Catskill Trip Reports" forums on that website.

The earlier link I posted (which is hosted on the Adirondack 100 Highest website) is viewable by all on the internet without any website registration.
Ah yes, good point Mark. Always so thoughtful! :D