Monkey Trunks 6/28/11

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Kevin Judy and Emma

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Kingston, NH.
If this seems like a plug to the moderators it is unintentional, feel free to remove this if it bends the rules.


On "Mini Monkey" Course

Foreword: I've driven by this place a hundred times and said, "That looks like fun." If you've ever driven north on Rte.16 through Tamworth and Chocorua you know where I mean.

After a less than enthusiastic hike to Mount Major with my granddaughter I decided to try a different approach: maybe she's more of a mountaineer than a hiker...


Waiting Her Turn

I didn't have a lot of luck getting my granddaughter to hike with me on this visit. We made it up and down Mount Major, which was something at least. It certainly meant a lot to me, if not her. I did however have much better luck with getting her up on the climbing courses at Monkey Trunks where she proved to be fearless and managed to outlast me by a good margin. I took these pictures as we progressed from Mini Monkey to King Kong and then on to the jungle, each course and each obstacle increasing in difficulty as we went along.


On "King Kong" Course


At the End of the 300' Zip Line

She had a ball, and even fell in the jungle, producing a nice rope burn on the inside of her biceps which she didn't even tell me about. I saw it later as we were swimming at Chocorua Lake. When I asked her, horrified, "What happened?" she said, "It happened when I fell. It doesn't hurt." Doesn't hurt my ass, I've had rope burns before. She let me put first aid cream on even though it "doesn't hurt".


In the "Jungle"


"No Wimps...


...or Baby Chimps!"

Well, I found something she really enjoys. Apparently she's more of a mountaineer than a hiker. I hope I can get her interested in rock climbing from here. At least I know I have a bargaining chip now. "Oh, so you want to go to Monkey Trunks? OK, first you have to hike such and such mountain with me!"


Cooling Off at Chocorua Lake After a Fun Day of Ropes and Obstacles

Cool Video HERE:

Full set of pics HERE:

That place does look like tons of fun! Gotta get there myself and be a bonus for my 8 year old girls to do it.
Our Boy Scout summer camp, Ten Mile River, has a high adventure climbing area COPE course set up almost like yours. The kids loved it. Nice pics.
Very Kool. Like the Video, especially the sound track! Now we know what kind of music Grandpa listens to.:)