Moonlight Presitraverse July 4th

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Jan 19, 2009
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homeless and couch surfing for a bit
I am looking to do a moonlight presi traverse 4th of July weekend if the weather is clear. There will be close to a full moon and it just seems like a fun thing to do! I am thinking of doing the short version- up valley falls to Madison hut, hit all summits and then take crawford path out. I will be missing Madison, Webster, and Jackson summits. If you are interested let me know! It will be a moderate pace, not super fast, not super slow!
I plan to pack light. I will be bringing a camelpack and a water pump. I will bring food and light gortex shells. The plan is to start around 5 pm to be up on the ridgeline for the sunset and my time goal is about 10 hours. It took me 13 hours last year going up watson path to madison summit and then come out the webster cliff trail after hitting all summits so it should be a couple of hours quicker by cutting out the extra summits!
Let me know if you are in!
I'm probably in if it's Saturday night (will need to sleep all day Sunday to recover).
Edit: or Friday night - I forgot I don't have to work on Friday so I can drive up in plenty of time.

PS a filter probably isn't needed - you can get water at the huts.
According to the Farmers Almanac the Moon will rise at 6:48 pm and set at 2:25pm, so that will give you about 2 1/2 hours of no moon or sun.

But it looks as though you will be out of the woods around 3am.

Good luck and hope the weather decides to cooperate!

Moonset is actually at 3:12 AM on July 5th. Here are the order of things celestial for July 4th PM to July 5th AM

6:49 p.m. Moonrise
8:33 p.m. Sunset
9:09 p.m. End civil twilight

======== midnight ============

3:12 a.m. Moonset
4:31 a.m. Begin civil twilight
5:07 a.m. Sunrise

Moon is waxing gibbous with 93% of the Moon's visible disk illuminated
Full Moon on 7 July 2009 at 5:22 a.m.

The USNO web site can calculate these for you.
I have to cancel my plans for the weekend. We are trying to build an addition on our house and we did not get as far as we had hoped to this week. We have a part of the house exposed and we need to get the roof up this weekend! I am bummed, but getting the house weather tight is important! Maybe next time!
---Since your home needs attending :( and because this weather system is so persistent :( :(the amount of moonshine is questionable, perhaps we can we reschedule for Sept 5.