Moose Warning

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Oct 6, 2004
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Driving up I93 this Saturday morning 5/26/07 we saw three dead moose (hit by vehicles or trucks) on the median and side of the road. Then we saw one more dead moose on the Gale River Road (assuming hit by car/truck, maybe a natural death).

This time of year the moose are on the move. Momma's kicking out their yearlings born last year and moose being on the move to escape the bugs which drive them crazy as much as the bugs drive us crazy.

Just be aware that moose are hard to see at night and especially difficult if you're flying down the highway at 70-80 mph, so slow down and be aware of moose in the road or on the sides of the road. We'd hate to see any VFTT'ers with a moose as a hood ornament!
I saw evidence of 3 other collisions, skid marks, large blood stains, and a dead moose, on I-93 last week. I've seen more live moose while hiking over the last week then I have in the previous 6 months.

While driving at night, use your high beams whenever possible, especially on the highway. Typically, you won't see a moose with the low beams until he's within a hundred feet of you on where near enough time to stop at highway speeds.
I clipped a yearling bull moose Friday night at dusk, in Rangeley Plantation, Maine. It ran right out in front of me. I hit the brakes and went into emergency maneuvers. Just clipped him near my right headlight. Don't think he was in much pain, as he continued running into the woods. The only sign of it on my truck was a few hairs. Think I saw him today as well, just hanging out on the road. He ran up the road a ways with no limp or anything. Yes, they are active right now!

I saw 10 alone between Berlin NH and Cupsuptic (west of Rangeley) Maine. Some in the road, most on the side of the road enjoying some water from the androscoggin. Follow the advice here and be on special lookout!!!!!
MadRiver said:
That last paragraph was a tad odd. Do they actually want the “public” to capture a moose and tag it?
The entire article was a bit off. I thought only people could be "victims of a hit-and-run". :rolleyes:

BTW: Welcome aboard ESPNHiker ! Always good to see a fellow CT'r on board.
ESPNHiker said:
We are starting to see them in northeastern CT also. We have had a couple collisions in the past couple years in the Putnam/Thompson area and one just the other day:

I'm a native of Woodstock. Good to see moose down in that area. I always thought that the Bigelow Hollow-Yale Forest area was good habitat for them. The biggest problem for them of course is crossing the Mass Pike and then 84!
If just one moose is spared from a collision, it's good to remind freinds who'll be driving in moose country to beware.

Marty, glad you were able to do just enough to spare the young one. :D

Happy Trails :)
forestgnome said:
If just one moose is spared from a collision, it's good to remind freinds who'll be driving in moose country to beware.

Marty, glad you were able to do just enough to spare the young one. :D

Happy Trails :)

Thanks FG,
We were all very fortunate on that one! The key was that this young moose kept running, rather than stopping in front of the truck. That way I was able to brake and swerve enough to avoid a serious collision.

Saw on the news last night, it looked like a black Subaru WRX wagon hit a moose on the Merritt Parkway in SW Connecticut.... The moose was killed and the lady in the car was injured but OK, massive damage to the A pillars, smashed windshield and hood...

aha found an article:

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