Moosilauke - 6/18

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May 17, 2005
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Western MA
6/18/2005 - MT Moosilauke

We started out at about 11:00. We had hoped for an earlier start but we drove around for an hour or two waiting for the rain to let up, it didn't so we had to cut our losses and do something! This was going to be our 3rd 4000 footer in the rain/snow. The kids are really starting to wonder if we are telling the truth about these so called beautiful "views" although they are learning a bunch about rain, clouds and snow. We had planned to go up the Gorge Brook Trail but opted to take the Snapper Trail to the Carriage Road. We were not committed to going all the way to the summit, we figured we let the kids decide when to turn around. We are now sure that peak baggers are born with the peak bagging instinct. Our son is 5 and he was going all the way, he never once slowed down or complained, not even in the heavy rain.

The trails were wonderful. Wet and sometimes muddy but wonderful. There was plenty to keep the kids interested, streams, brook crossings and some interesting flora. By half way we had taken to calling our son, "Falls in Mud" and our daughter "Stands in Puddles". Good thing there is always spare clothes and socks in my pack! The carriage road was a special treat for my husband and I, it is not often we get to walk side by side, talk and enjoy watching the kids hike together.

We met a few hikers along the way but mostly it was quiet. The kids did a great job, I am impressed every time we go out. Round trip it was about 5 and 1/2 hours and not one complaint. Except the whole foggy, raining, windy summit for the third time episode. The kids really enjoyed the above tree line experience, they thought it was neat to watch the trees "shrink".

We stopped in White River on the way home for dinner and we took a vote, the Chinese buffet or Mc Donald's. This was not going to be as fancy as our last post hike celebration but it was just as fun.

Until Next Time,
Nice job in the weather

Great job...glad you and your family had a nice time and made out OK in the weather. It is amazing how tought the little ones can be. It is really great that you are exposing your kids to hiking and that they enjoy it!
Welcome to VFTT! :)
MAJZHike said:
6/18/2005 - MT Moosilauke

we took a vote, the Chinese buffet or Mc Donald's. This was not going to be as fancy as our last post hike celebration but it was just as fun.

Until Next Time,
Well, what was it? The Chinese buffet or Mc Donald's?
We ended up at the Chinese place. It was a tie vote but we sold the deal by telling them about the dessert buffet. :)