Moosilauke trail question

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Looking for a dry (relative term, I know) trail. What trail up Moosilauke offers the least amount of squish? Thanks.
Squish, as in flowing water on the trail? Gorge and Snapper certainly are the best in that regards. Glencliff isn't bad, Carriage Road has water down low but is better up high. Beaver Brook and Asquam Ridge have significant water in places. Not really sure about Benton; haven't done it in a while.

All will have snow at this point.

I did Benton in late May and I can only compare it to subsequent trails elsewhere later in the year when I say I recall it was wetter then average. I do recall a lot more water bars on it then some other trails, probably because it tends to be wet.

Crossing Tunnel Brook at the start will likely be difficult with the recent rain. I didn't see a way across on the way up, but found a way on the return -- it required long legs to hop from stone to stone. It wasn't too deep - mid-calf - so we waded across.

All the Moosilauke trails and everything else around here do have snow currently. This area woke up this morning (11/2) to 1-3" of snow in the valleys, more at elevation, with rain or snow again tomorrow. Water levels are still high from heavy rains over the last few weeks. The Benton Trail won't be a good bet if you're going anytime soon because of the Tunnel Brook crossing. Gorge, Snapper, upper Carriage were OK a week ago Saturday.
P.S. Be prepared to navigate around lots of blowdowns that haven't been cleared yet from the Oct. 28-29 storm. I've never seen so many trees down after their foliage has dropped.
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Waumbeck you are corect I was startled this AM when the plow truck came down my street. Yes there is snow in the MTNS. and I would expect that most trails on Moosilaukee will be "squishy".