Moosilauke via Glencliff Trail and Carriage Road 4.3.14

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Well-traveled trails. Overnight freeze made for a straightforward climb using spikes the whole way. One small section of the Carriage Road between the Glencliff junction and the summit, once you're out of the woods, is obscured by drifts and could be difficult to find in a whiteout. Otherwise a beautiful stroll to the summit. Too windy and cold for anything other than few quick pics. Spikes useful most of the way down -- particularly on the steep slide at the top. Trail remained frozen most of the way but by later afternoon (3 PM on) the lower sections in open hardwood forest were getting quite mushy. Postholed through the fields at the bottom. As long as it keeps freezing at night, this is a fine hike -- if you start early. As the day warms up, this western slope trail picks up a lot of sun and things begin to melt. At that point, snowshoes are probably a good idea.

Spikes and poles necessary. Snowshoes could be useful depending on temperatures. Be prepared for high winds on the ridge.