MORIAH Sunday 1/15

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Jul 9, 2005
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Stamford, CT
Looking to do Mt. Moriah via Stony Brook Trail to Carter-Moriah Trail as an up and back. Start time is 0800 on Sunday morning at the Stony Brook Trailhead on Rte. 16. Open to all (especially open to those who share good food).
Hey coldmountain ....

what happened to our plans??? ..... Do I mean NOTHING to you?!!! :D ...LOL
Just kidding :) .... Talk to you later today or tomorrow re: hiking plans.
Weather looks to be cold (mid 20's high), with a 20% chance of snow flurries. Lot better than what sat looks like (heavy rain). Looking forward to seeing whoever shows up at eight!
One word of caution is that there is one significant stream bed crossing on the lower section of Stony Brook trail that could be very nasty if there is significant rain Saturday night. There isnt really a good alternative to the crossing. Its a fairly wide and deep stream bed so the chance of finding a good deadfall are limited. Its at the intersection of the relocation from 10 years ago but the old trails location in the development is not obvious (and may be in someones backyard)
PB, thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately, the weather was just too challenging for me. Went to the trailhead in the AM, but it just wasn't something with which I felt comfortable doing (gotta know your limitations). Anyway, thanks for the interest. We'll do it again some time!
I got up at 6 looked out into my yard at the thermometer and saw 0 degrees. OK, I thought but the suns not up let so really 0 isn't that bad. I then tried to go out to my car, after I pried my door open(i unded up getting in on the passenger side and kicking it open) I got out to scrape off the windows.
This is where I thought I was going to need a porter to shortrope me back in to the house. The wind was unrelenting! I was not interested in walking up a mountain in that!
Another day..