Moriah via Stony Brook Trail 3/26/06

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Feb 27, 2004
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Hi All,

I am planning on a later start for this one, around 9am I believe. Anyone interested? Hoping to do this while there are still snow bridges...
Getting closer to the end, and am getting anxious to finish. :rolleyes:

Hey Christine...wish I could join on this one but I've got some family stuff going on Sunday. Hope you all have a grand time and keep us posted as to when you plan to finish!:)

Hi MEB, Will do.

Congrats on your accomplishments, you are an amazing woman!

I will keep you posted as the last 6 tick away...


Looks like Caleb and i will climb moriah with you sunday.. :)
Yippie!! Drew and Drew Jr., Yammie, LenDawg, Rubber Duckie this hike is going to be a BLAST!! ;)
I'm really looking forward to this. Looks like a good group. Hey Christine, any thoughts on possibly doing a loop and coming out in Gorham?
Yes, Bob and Geri TOO! :)

Len, I could EAISLY be talked into doing a loop, I am always up for seeing more of the trail. We can figure out car spots today?
Sure... Anyone get a good weather forecast for Moriah on Sunday? The hike down to Gorham is nice... I liked it in the summer. Maybe we should meet at 0830 (on 16, same spot we already meeting) and spot one big car in gorham?

What do you think, Christine?
Forecast for Gorham in mostly cloudy - no wind - temps at 40 degrees. the forecast for Mt Washington is a high of 17 degress with winds at @ 30 mph. so it should be a great day.

Hmmm - who has a large vehicle that could fit everyone ?
Christine, it is your hike... what ever you want to do! I'm looking forward to it either way!