Mount Abraham via Lincoln Gap 10/18

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Trail Conditions: Muddy down low, with snow off the trail, on the trees from the gap (2400ft). The snow turned to ice further up and was on the trail. Slabs on last 1/3 mile were pretty clear, good footing. Summit trails were icy but flat enough that no traction was needed. It was at freezing at Battel shelter on ascent and descent with similar weather all week expected.

Special Equipment Required: Some form of micro crampon (yaktrax, stabil icers, etc) would be ideal for the trip down (and up). However, neither are required for safe travel at this time. Poles are definitely nice to have if you use them. Lots of chances to slip on slick footing.

Comments: First hike together since losing our favorite hiking partner to cancer in July (only my second weekend hiking since then).So neither of us were in great shape and this is an ideal trail/route to get the legs in trail shape. Fairly easy, nice summit with 360 views.

Sunset on the summit was absolutely beautiful, conditions were fairly calm, hiked up in a tshirt, ended up putting on a fleece, light glove liners and a hat and I was golden on the summit (probably about 28F). we were pretty chilly on the initial descent after staying up top for about 10 minutes post sunset to really enjoy the colors. Nice enough and calm enough to make me regret leaving the tripod and panoramic head in the car.

Your name:Justin

Your E-mail address: pico_ at hotmail dot com