Mount Cardigan with Aaron - 8/18/2007

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Oct 22, 2004
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Massachusetts Avatar: "Heads or tails?!"
Earlier this year I suggested that I take 4 1/2 year old Aaron hiking and camping four times - well, we have hiked a bit, but we did not get a tent camping trip in until this weekend. My thread last week was a lot of help in confirming what I wanted (thanks everyone) - I needed a hike that had some big rocks and scrambling and did not take too long to get out of the forest - Aaron knows what he wants - and I am trying to keep him interested.

So we hit the road at about 6am and headed for Cardigan State Forest where we were going to hit the West Ridge Trail to Mount Cardigan. I have never been there and we were both looking forward to the trip. We were geared up) OK - I carried everything and were on the trail by 8:45am. The forest was pretty mellow and after a while there were a lot of rocks for Aaron to climb over - he loved it.

As we got up higher the slabs started along with the wind. Before breaking out of the scrub we added jackets and Aaron also put on a fleece hat and mittens. The winds above tree line were fantastic - in fact they were so strong that I held Aaron's hand to the summit - the wind moved me a few times - I guess they were around 40 mph with gusts to 50mph.

We made it to the summit and the tower was locked. We got out of the wind and had a quick snack - even out of the wind was windy! I noticed a young girl who was very cold and approaching hypothermia (teeth chattering/shivering - blue lips) - not enough layers - very dressed for summer. I told her parents what I observed and they moved to help her warm up.

We got down and out of the wind quickly and it started to rain a bit - we really used everything in the pack today as we dug out the rain jackets and pack never really materialized, but we were not sure so we got ready just in case. We got back the car in about a total of 3 1/2 hours and headed to our campground in Canaan.

We had a great time camping - all the basic food groups were covered - hot dogs, pickles, marshmallows/s'mores! Huge campfire (very needed - 44 degrees!) - we hit the sack early - about 8:30pm and I awoke around 2:30am to the sound of howlin' coyotes off in the distance. Up at 6:30am, quick breakdown, breakfast in town and back home to Mom and Zachary well before 10am. A great weekend!

Great job, Aaron and Mike -

That Aaron is a scrambling machine. I am so proud of him! Looks like BOTH of you had lotsa fun in some WILD conditions. Really wish I could have joined you!

Best regards,
what a great time you both had! I'm sure you'll both remember it for a long time.
I've never been up there when the tower is open, but I've been in the tower on Kearsarge before, which was cool! Nice job with the heads up to the folks with that girl. It seems like its always windy up there.
awesome, I am also enjoying the small short hikes with my son as well. I find a mile hike more rewarding with him than anything I do on my own.
Great TR (as usual) Mike. How wonderful to experience it with Aaron. And great pics. too. I have done Cardigan several times from the state park. One of my favorite peaks. Your photos brought back much that is familiar.

Great story and pictures Mike.

I really like your approach. You carry everything now but in a few years Aaron gets a promotion. (I know, you hadn't thought of that. :rolleyes: )

Aaron sounds like a great hiking partner in training. It will be interesting to follow his progress.

BIGEarl said:
Great story and pictures Mike.

I really like your approach. You carry everything now but in a few years Aaron gets a promotion. (I know, you hadn't thought of that. :rolleyes: )

Aaron sounds like a great hiking partner in training. It will be interesting to follow his progress.

One of the great benefits/reasons of having children - someone to carry my pack when I am even older! :D
I like your phrasing - promotion :)
Sweet pictures and trip report. Looks like he's really getting into it, especially at 4.5! I'm just hoping that when Jess forces me to have kids they'll be interested in hiking too!

-Dr. Wu
Great report Mike. A little inside will ALWAYS end up carrying something for the children. Eric is 15, Tommy is 11, and some of their gear seems to end up in my pack every time out.
A great report and a great story. You bring back memories of when I was introducing my family to hiking. You will share the memories forever. Thanks for sharing Aron and your experience with us.