Steve Smith reported no snow on Mount Cube Trail, so decided to hike it yesterday. A few days ago he reported that some stepping stones in stream crossing were under water, yesterday all were above water. Trail was moderately wet overall, wet socks when I got home! Lots of blowdowns, none a real problem but cumulatively a royal PITA.
Lots of wild flowers, trillium (both kinds), trout lilies in profusion, clintonias beginning to bud, yellow violets. Saw first fully open hobblebush flowers. Hardwoods even beginning to leaf out lower down. Spring is sprung! Alas, that means that bugs are just beginning to bite
Went to north peak for the first time, had half of lunch there. Views good through the haze. Then main summit, and down about 0.7 miles and 400 feet to some nice ledges on Kodak Trail for second half of lunch. Views were good in spite of haze, should be excellent on clear day.
Lots of wild flowers, trillium (both kinds), trout lilies in profusion, clintonias beginning to bud, yellow violets. Saw first fully open hobblebush flowers. Hardwoods even beginning to leaf out lower down. Spring is sprung! Alas, that means that bugs are just beginning to bite
Went to north peak for the first time, had half of lunch there. Views good through the haze. Then main summit, and down about 0.7 miles and 400 feet to some nice ledges on Kodak Trail for second half of lunch. Views were good in spite of haze, should be excellent on clear day.