Mount Evans Trailhead

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Jun 17, 2008
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Bethlehem, N.H.
I've driven past the general location of where the Mount Evans trailhead is supposed to be at various times over the last few years. My map shows it almost directly across from where the Androscoggin comes in close to Rte 2, but I've never been able to see anything as I drive by.

I've planned on bushwhacking over to the summit from the Rattle River trail, so as to stay on WMNF land, but does anyone know if the actual trail is still open, and if so, where the parking and trailhead are?
Chris, the Mt. Evans trailhead is officially closed (page 427 of 28th edition of WMG). As I understand it, the reason had to do with landowner issues.

Anyway, I whacked to Mt. Evans from the Rattle River Trail in April 2008. It’s a very easy whack, through open hardwoods. Once you’re at the top, you can still see trail signs that were not removed upon closure of the trail. Concerning the view from there, it’s OK, but has probably grown in quite a bit since its “glory days”. If you need any other info, please feel free to ask.

Below are a few photos taken from Mt. Evans.


I hiked the trail when it was still open, there was an obvious white/green AMC trail sign at Rte.2 near the pond

It looks like there is USFS land from Rte.2 to the summit, so I'm surprised the trail was closed not moved
My family hiked it about 6 years ago when the trailhead signs were still there (so it was presumably still open) but there were some very scary dogs - we love dogs but not those dogs - and even scarier signs just off the trail about 0.1 mile from the trailhead, not fun for a family with a 3 and 5 year old. I have never felt so intimidated on a hike. Needless to say, we hurried through that section. Once beyond that 200 yards, however, it was delightful, and a fun hike with small kids with great views for the adults. We pseudo-bushwhacked to keep our distance on the way back. Too bad - I wonder if a very small trailhead relocation might be possible?

There are other potential spots to relocate the trailhead but I am not sure if there is a big clamoring to reopen the trail especially since the view is growing in. The property at the base of the trail has had a troubled recent past, its been up for foreclosure at least once and was for sale for quite a while. There was a tatoo artist working there for awhile and recently they have cut down all the trees on the lot and are selling firewood in bundles. It may be best to leave things lie until the property owner gets sorted out or it get bought by someone that is more interested in reopening the trail.

In the mean time the Mt Crag trails are still open for business. Simliar climb but views in the opposite direction.