Mount Marcy from ADK Loj - April 11, 2009

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Mount Marcy from Adirondack Loj via Van Hoevenberg Trail
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Trail conditions: Mud below 2300 ft, with patchy snow up to 2500 ft; well packed snow above 2500 ft (with some post-holes). Up to five feet of powder remains off-trail at 4000 ft.

The trail to Marcy Dam is very muddy. Above the dam, snow is packed all the way to the summit, with some wind-blown icy spots above treeline. All water crossings are manageable - high water bridge not needed.

Special equipment: We did not use snowshoes as trail is well-used and packed. However, take one step to the side and postholes occur. Crampons or serious snowshoes are necessary above treeline for wind-blown, icy crust.

Comments: An early start with below freezing temperatures means mud is frozen and makes for easy walking to Marcy Dam. We wore just boots up to 4900 ft when crampons (or snowshoes with crampons) are necessary.

Name: Philip Picotte
E-mail: First initial and last name @