Mount Marcy via Van Hoevenberg Trail 6/30

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Ed'n Lauky

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Blairsville GA ......... Avatar-- On top of S
From bottom to top this trail is wet and muddy, no doubt wetter and muddier than usual due to the recent rains. It nevertheless is obvious from the construction of the trail with the frequent planks, logs and boards that this trial is generally muddy. However, the mud is almost always easily passed and is not a slog such as one would find on the Rocky Branch trail in NH.

The bugs were not at all a problem today. I had very few encounters with them.

This trail is long, almost 15 miles, but it is not difficult. Except for a couple of scrambles up the final ledges it is not steep. It is rather, a long steady climb to the top.

We got off to an early start and briefly had the the summit to ourselves. We met only a couple of people on the way up but passed perhaps 25 people as we headed down.

Good boots were perhaps the most important piece of equipment today. I didn't really need a jacket on top today although I wouldn't have done the hike without one.

It was a great hike with the 'Little Guy' to the top of the Empire State. :)
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