Mount Mist, or other 4-year-old-friendly hikes near Bath, NH

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Oct 4, 2006
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New Hampshire
I will be in Bath, NH, for the weekend. My 4 year old son may wonder why I haven't taken him hiking (or he may be to absorbed with his cousins, depending...) In either case, I am looking for something rehab-like for my knees, and I've found that bringing him is a good limiter.

Mount Mist is a bump on the AT WSW of Glenncliff, on the way to Webster Slide Mountain. 1.6 miles each way and nothing steeper then 14%.

Any other ideas? The only other thing I can thing of is Artist's Bluff / Bald Mountain near Cannon. The range would be 3-5 miles and 4-800 feet, or so, depending on the grade. A trip to Lonesome Lake hut appears to be too steep for either of us at this time.

I have only stabilicers and he will have to bare-boot and/or hold my hand.


you could do Devil's hill in Peacham, VT. IIRC its pretty short, with a great view from a ledge out into Groton State Forest and Peacham Bog. Not too steep I don't think. Peacham Bog might be cool as well, or Owl's Head. Both are in Groton State Forest,

If you're interested in hiking Devil's Hill, PM me and I can give you directions.
The Rocks Estate.

It depends on how much the four year old can handle especially in winter.
If you want to get a couple miles in with varied scenery I would go to the Rocks Estate in Bethlehem about 30-40 minutes from bath. It is a property open to the public for free, and owned by the Society for Protection on NH Forests. It has numrous trails, through varied terrain, some ponds, some older interesting buildings that kids of all ages will find interesting, plus one large section is all Christmas Trees. It is a nice hike, and can be made as difficult as you want for a 4 year old.
Take 302 into Bethlehem and it will be on your right when coming from Bath.
There will be a large sign, and lots of Christmas Trees.If you hit the main town, you have gone to far.
Have fun wherever you go, and bundle up
My mother-in-law has a 310 acre Christmas tree farm. That's where we are going. I was looking for something that was more of a hill, with a summit and all, to test out my knees. Something within 15 minutes of Bath would be ideal.

Couple of other things come to mind, but just so you know the Rocks Estate does have large hills if you want to test your knees, and you can avoid the Christmas tree section if you want to.

1.) There is Bald Peak on the Mt. Kinsman Trail 2.1 miles to the peak, and 1400 foot elevation gain. It Starts on the Easton/Franconia Line

2.) There is Also Kilburn Crags in Littleton -25 minutes from Bath. Round Trip it is 1.5 miles, and leads to an outlook of Littleton, the Presidentials, Cannon and Layfayette. If interested I could PM the Directions to you.
