Mount Monroe via Ammonossuc Ravine

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Trail and Mountain names should go in the thread TITLE

Date of Hike: 24 April 2009

Trail Conditions: Soft snow for length of trail.

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes very useful on most of hike. Sunglasses and sunscreen a must.

Comments: As good a day as they come. Blue skies and warm sun made for a great climb of Monroe. Missed a stream crossing early that cost us an hour of searching around but had a good climb otherwise. Snow bridges begiing to collapse - today probably saw alot more collapse. Snow still drifted to Lakes roof! Had a great time sliding most of the trail from below the hut to the pool but needed sunscreen. My partner and I both got too much sun - he blistered across his cheeks - wow!

Your name: Raven

Your E-mail address: [email protected]