Mount Resolution

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Jul 19, 2005
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For the true summit of Mount Resolution, how far off the Mount Parker Trail is it? I was in that area late in the summer, but I wasn't able to find a canister. Then again, it was kind of a wet day (and the visibility wasn't the best either) and my desire not to go tramping through all the wet trees may have prevented me from finding the high point. As it was, I settled for a spot about a hundred yards off the trail, in a section that was mostly open and covered by a dry moss/thick licheny vegetation.
Resolution register

It's about .2-.3 mi off the trail. The vegetation is not bad at all. There is a small flat open area with a great view looking north and east, the register was tied to the largest tree at the edge of the open area.
dms said:
It's about .2-.3 mi off the trail. The vegetation is not bad at all. QUOTE]

As dms states, the register is located at an open area with great views. I just wanted to add that when I did it in June, although the vegetation was mostly open, there were enough brambles to make me wish that I had long pants on.
I was finally able to return to Resolution this past weekend. The true high point is about 0.12 miles from the trail, and I found it to be thick going most of the way. I definitely wouldn't have found the spot the last time I was on the mountain. The open clearing is really the only open area on that part of the mountain (that I observed). The highpoint cairn was easy enough to find, but locating the canister took a few minutes, because as it turned out, it was tucked underneath some of the tree branches that obscure the cairn. I was thinking of leaving the jar sitting on top of the thick tree branches, but I was concerned that leaving it so exposed to the sun would cause the register pages to fade and the plastic bag inside to more quickly disintegrate, so I left the canister where I found it.

Overall, it's a lovely spot, but quite buggy when I was up there, so I didn't linger too long. Also, whoever treks over there next, please bring a new baggy for the register, because the current one is falling apart (but at least the inside of the jar was dry, and I expect it will remain so until the autumn rains). Please bring a new notebook too, since the register is down to its last fully empty page (please note that it's a small jar, so please bring a diminutive notebook).