Mount Shasta / Mount Hood VFTT 2006

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Active member
Oct 6, 2003
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Illumination Rock, Mount Hood.
We are looking for interested parties that would like to join us on a West Coast trip in July 2006. Last year our group of 12 had a successful trip to Mount Rainier. The 2005 event was a resounding success!

For 2006, we have selected Mount Shasta and Mount Hood. Currently we have 7 open spaces available on our team. We are limited to 12 for this trip.

If you are interested, please refer to my web site Locate the 2006 VFTT Event button located on the left menu. Once you are on the Shasta/Hood home page, the Event Planning card will take you to the proposed Itinerary page. The Sign-Up Form should only be used if you are planning on going to this event.

If you are in search of answers, please email me directly at:

[email protected] or send me a private message from VFTT.

You may also use the Contact Us form provided on the web site.

Thank You,
Hi Kevin,

We are doing the West Face Gully on Shasta and the South Side / Hogback for Hood. On the Itinerary I mentioned this. Probably helps if I reiterate it here.

NOTE: As of tonight, we have 7 signed on for this trip!

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Great web site, Ed!

What is the prerequesite in terms of technical skill level?
Hi Jean,

Mount Shasta is considered non-technical on the Avalanche Gulch and West Face Gully approaches. Many first time climbers ascend this route with little or no knowledge of mountaineering skills. Use of crampons and basic skills with an ice axe are helpful.

Mount Hood approaching from the South Side through the Hogback has moderate mountaineering skills mostly in the final approach through the Pearly gates. This year in July, I did the same route solo and you can find my Trip Report here.

If the conditions are melted out as much as they were in July then there will be the added danger of rock fall and some ice conditions.

I feel comfortable recommending these routes to most VFTTers who have done extensive climbing in the North East, especially if they have winter mountaineering experiences.

As part of the long term planning, I always put together training climbs to assist all team members with their skills. This includes practice climbs and recommendations on classes that can be taken in your local climbing areas.

I hope this helps to answer some of your questions,


We now have 10 members signed up. The actual team limit is 12.

Should you submit the sign-up form after the 12 spots have been filled, I will hold those names in reserve should there be any team members dropping.

The interest in this trip is exceptional!

Man I spend one day up in the HP hiking and I almost miss signing up for this trip. Hopefully I get in seeing as I've been dreaming about doing those peaks for quite some time. If not... oh well the mountain's not going anywhere fast.
As of this posting, the group size is at 12!

I would like to have at least two alternatives should any issues arise that requires someone from dropping off the trip. Anything can happen between now and next July!

Thank You,
awesome - didn't take long to fill this up. I am in and look forward to meeting the new folks. this will be fun - having been on eds last trip out west - I assure you - won't see a better planned event.
Hood / Shasta alternatives

If anyone was interested in a similar trip, I am planning an ascent of Mt Baker & maybe one other in the north Cascades a bit later. Will probably be the 1st week in August (July 30 thru Aug 5), but could be pushed back to the 3rd week (13 thru 19), though that is really getting late. PM me if interested - I am NOT doing the degree of training Guinness did for Rainier (which he did an excellent job of, BTW). You are expected to have basic glacier travel & self rescue skills.
We now have our 12 team members, plus two altenatives. Sign-up will now be closed.

If you did not make it onto this event, please contact AMF (see note above) and see if you can still become part of a West Coast trip and maybe we will cross paths out there.

Best of Luck,
Cool, with enough people, we are planning to paint our chests with V-I-E-W-S-F-R-O-M-T-H-E-T-O-P and have a photo again on the summits.... Lets see, that's 15 climber's we'll need, and perhaps 3 people to be the spaces... :p
