Mount Wolf

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Jul 19, 2005
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Is there any consensus about where the true summit of Mount Wolf is? When I was up there, it seemed the highest point was about where the outlook is, but considering there's two summit bumps (and I wasn't able to see the other bump from the view point) I just wanted to check. I'm sure there isn't too much of a difference between the two.
"True" summit

Nate, there actually used to be a register on the bump just before you get to the lookout point on Wolf. It was located about 15-20 feet off the trail right at the point where the trail turns sharply to the right before the lookout.
I wonder when that register went away. I climbed up that bump too, and it seemed like its highest point was more than 15-20 feet away from the trail (more like ten yards, but maybe it only seemed that far because I was bushwhacking).
Nate, you are probably correct, I did it in 1989 so my memory may not be perfect as to the distance, but there was definitely one of those pb jar registers there. BTW, there was also a register on Blue Ridge which is a bit south of Wolf.
Is Blue Ridge the height of land the AT passes over between Route 112 and Mount Wolf? If so, where was the canister located? It seemed like the trail already passed over about the highest point on that ridge. Considering you referred to the canister in the past tense, does that mean it was removed a while ago?
North Peak of Blue Ridge

I signed the register in 1992, it was located, and may still be there, about 40 - 50 feet to the west of the Kinsman Ridge Trail (heading north) on the flat bump just before the trail descends to the junction with the Gordon Pond Trail. Some of these registers have disappeared through "natural" causes, but some have been removed intentionally, so always carry a replacement with you!
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n peak-blue ridge

it's still there!! signed in on my way by this past summer! my sign in said passin' thru from georgia,headin' to maine. yes,that was the longest approach i've taken for signin' into that jar!! 4 months and 1750 miles give or take a few!!!! :D :D :eek: :eek: :D
Post'r Boy, thanks for the confirmation. Too bad I didn't know about the canister when I was up there last weekend. Oh well, at least that gives me more of a reason to do Gordon Pond Peak next summer (that has a canister that's intact, right?)
Wolf Cub

Better known as Wolf Cub, it also has a register. The better route is to go up from the pond rather than direct from Wolf.
some people go in from the powerlines too! me and the link took the long way in from georgiana falls. :D
two jars about 20 feet apart. we signed both!!! :eek: