Mountain Wingsuit Flying

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That's cool but would those 4Ks still count for the list if you flew down? :rolleyes:

Did they use a parachute to land?

vegematic said:
That's cool but would those 4Ks still count for the list if you flew down? :rolleyes:

Did they use a parachute to land?


Yes, that is a small parachute in the backpack, and you can see it being deployed right at the end of the clip......
Aerobic Anaerobic Activity, or something...

I've seen these vids before but what struck me this time is the amount of strength it would take to hold your arms out like that; against the wind, your weight and the air pressures...Good on Them.

May the wind, not the road, rise to meet them.
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Just another day in the Squirrel Suite. Does he get the Girl in the end like JAMES?
As far as I can tell, wing suits have been around since the barnstorming days of the 30's. They apparently kind of came and went, then were revived in the 60's and appeared in the 1969 movie,The Gypsy Moths, faded from use, then were revived again in the 90's.

I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the early ones were really dangerous. IIRC, a guy I used to work with had been a skydiver stuntman on The Gypsy Moths and got hurt in an accident. Not sure if he was wearing a wing or not, but they are featured in the film.

I remember hearing about them when I was skydiving in the mid 60's but never saw one except in the movie.

Everything you wanted to know, and more-
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