MSGT this spring

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Feb 10, 2005
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Anyone interested in a 3 day, 2 night traverse of the Monadnock Sunapee Greenway this Spring? I was thinking late April or first weekend in May, before black flies, Friday-through Sunday, northbound...

PM me if interested so we can chat. Laurence
That's a good hike, though it included more road walks than I anticipated. I did it last year southbound around the same time, last week in April, and took three days, two nights as you are planning. Rainy days and sleet at night made me glad I was in a shelter the second night rather than dealing with my tarp/bivy set up. In 2003, I tried it and hit unexpected snow which slowed me down, so that I didn't make in the three days I'd allotted. I would be willing to do it again if I didn't have plans to be on other mountains at that time this year. If my plans fall apart, (Even though that's not expected.) I'll get back to you. Hope you enjoy the trip!